How dangerous is your garden.


With the warmer weather here to stay hopefully for more than a few days running the whole family will be venturing into the garden more; including the four legged members of the family.

Did you know that many plants found in our gardens are toxic to both cats and dogs.

More Th>n have teamed up with gardener Charlie Dimmock to launch a new pet safe campaign highlighting which plants are toxic to your pets.

Whilst researching they found out;

78% of British gardens contain plants that are toxic to cats and dogs.

One in three pet owners (31%) admit they have no idea if the plants and flowers in their gardens are toxic to pets.

Most dangerous gardens are found in London and the South East (83%), followed by Wales (80%), the South West (79%), East Anglia (78%) and the West Midlands (77%).


For more information on the campaign petition visit

Pet owners can also win free pet friendly flower seeds via MORE TH>N’s social channels; and


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