Friday 4 April 2014

Bedtime....means sleep right?! Our bedtime routine.


I must admit we've never had a strict bedtime routine.
Harry was always a good sleeper at night ....up until he moved out of his cot at around 2 years old. 
We felt he was ready for the transition but now I think it could of been a bit too soon.
Since moving out of the cot he couldn't fall asleep by himself, needing somebody to be sat next to his bed..... which after a few weeks and being 5 months pregnant at the time wasn't much fun!
We found ourselves moving closer to the door and finally being able to put him to bed & sit outside of the closed door, sometimes sitting for 40 minuets until he was asleep.
Now 9 times out of 10 he will go to bed without any fuss (touchwood) and at nearly 4 years old you'd think so right!?
So he'll go to bed with little to no fuss, have a story & a little chat about the day, give kisses cuddles & 'I love yous' before descending to sleep so why when I wake up do I find a sprawled out lanky boy in his stripy pjs snoring his head off? And more to the fact we do we never notice him enter our bed.
On the odd very rare occasion he will spend all night in his own bed but no amount of praise will get it to happen the next night.
Ultimately he is comforted by snuggling up with us, but how does a 4 year old take up most of a king sized bed!
I hope he'll grown out of it, as Freddie is starting to catch on to it too.
Freddie is still in his cot and apart from teething has stayed in his cot from bedtime (7pm ish) until the morning (between 6am & 8am). I think I'll be leaving him in his cot for a little longer than with Harry.
Any advice to get Harry in his own bed all night every night would be most welcomed!

Are your children good sleepers?


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